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Legal Aid Application Forms

Application for legal aid and wealth disclosure statement – electronic submission

Applications for legal aid may be electronically submitted to the Constitutional Court, using the form entitled „Verfahrenshilfe beim Verfassungsgerichtshof – Antrag auf Bewilligung“ (“Legal aid at the Constitutional Court – application for approval”). To be able to use the form sheet, you have to be identified and authenticated within the system, either through an electronic identification card (citizen’s card – Bürgerkarte) or through a mobile phone signature.

Submission of the application by e-mail is not an admissible form of electronic submission (see section 14a para 1 VfGG in conjunction with the Ordinance issued by the President of the Constitutional Court on the electronic filing and/or transmission of submissions, enclosures to submissions, documents executed by the Constitutional Court, and copies of submission and enclosures).

Form: Legal aid at the Constitutional Court – electronic application for approval

Application for legal aid and wealth disclosure statement – submission by post or in person

A form is also available for submission by post or in person. The application form is available at the Registry of the Constitutional Court and can also be downloaded from the Constitutional Court’s website. The form is designed so that applicants can fill it in on a PC before printing and signing it. 

Form: Legal aid at the Constitutional Court – submission by post or in person (PDF 0.8 MB)
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