Court Signature
Pursuant to section 14a paragraph 3 VfGG in conjunction with section 2 paragraph 4 of the Ordinance of the President of the Constitutional Court on the electronic filing and/or transmission of submissions, enclosures to submissions, documents executed by the Constitutional Court, and copies of submissions and enclosures (Federal Law Gazette BGBl. II No 82/2013) all documents executed by the Constitutional Court must bear an electronic signature pursuant to section 19 E-Government Act.
The court signature is the electronic signature on documents executed by the Constitutional Court or any other court documents.
This court signature makes it clearly visible to the recipient that the document at hand emanates from the Constitutional Court. Visually, the court signature consists of the logo of the Constitutional Court and a note stating that the document was officially signed. Pursuant to section 19 E-Government Act this ensures that the document actually originates from the Constitutional Court.
There are mechanisms for checking the signature and verifying the print-out.
Secure publication of the logo pursuant to section 19 paragraph 3 E-Government Act
For signed documents, the Constitutional Court uses the following logo:

Verification of signed documents
Verification of signed electronic documents emanating from the Constitutional Court
The authenticity of signed electronic documents of the Constitutional Court can be verified at any time in the internet at Here you will find a central verification tool for officially signed documents which is operated by the radio and broadcasting regulator Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH. Electronic documents can be uploaded and verified as to their correctness (authenticity and integrity).
Verification of signed paper printouts of the Constitutional Court
The Constitutional Court offers recipients of printouts of officially signed documents the following options in order to verify their authenticity:
- Postal mailing (original or copy) or personal delivery at the registry of the Constitutional Court :
Verfassungsgerichtshof/ Constitutional Court
Geschäftsstelle/ Registry
Freyung 8, 1010 Wien/Vienna - Mailing of the scanned document as e-mail to the address
The Constitutional Court checks whether the document is genuinely one of its own, and will answer by a notification in writing, if the outcome of the verification is positive, that “The document you submitted stems from the Constitutional Court and has not been altered in its substance“. If the outcome is negative, it will reply: “The Constitutional Court has not been able to verify the document you submitted”.