Vice-President Christoph Grabenwarter assumes Interim Presidency of the Constitutional Court

As Brigitte Bierlein stepped down as President, Vice-President Christoph Grabenwarter assumed the position of President of the Constitutional Court on an interim basis. Brigitte Bierlein was appointed President of the Court in February 2018, being the first woman to hold this office. Before that, she had been a member of the Constitutional Court since 2003, serving as Vice-President and permanent rapporteur. During her term of office, the Court delivered a number of momentous decisions. As Vice-President of the Court, she also participated in the decision regarding the election of the Federal President in 2016.
Grabenwarter as Vice-President of the Constitutional Court since 2018
Christoph Grabenwarter, born in Bruck/Mur in 1966, has been Professor of Public Law and International Law at the Vienna University of Economics since 2008. He has been a member of the Constitutional Court since 2005 and Vice-President of the Court since February 2018. The Constitutional Court Act provides for the Vice-President to assume the Presidency of the Court on an interim basis. Until a new President is appointed, the Vice-President heads the Constitutional Court and presides over its deliberations. A similar situation existed in the first months of 2018.