Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr. Eleonore Berchtold-Ostermann, born on Oct. 12th, 1947 in Vienna; attended school in Vienna, graduated from Bundesrealgymnasium for Girls in Vienna Döbling in 1965; doctorate in law (Dr.iur.) at the University of Vienna in 1970; 1973 Mag. rer.soc.oec. (Economic Education) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business; academic aide from 1968, and academic assistant from 1969 onwards at the Institute of Constitutional and Administrative Law, University of Vienna (Univ.Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Erwin Melichar); Constitutional Service of the Federal Chancellery sine 1976; civil service exam (“Verwaltungsdienstprüfung”) in 1977; academic assistant at the Constitutional Court in 1978; from 1979 candidate lawyer, and lawyer since 1982; disciplinary board of the Bar Association Vienna in 1991, Vice President of the disciplinary board of the Bar Association Vienna from 1996 to 1997; member of the Constitutional Court from 1997 to 2017, repeatedly elected permanent reporter, nominated for constitutional judge by the Federal Council.