Der Antrag von Heinz-Christian Strache, mit dem die Rechtswidrigkeit des ESM (Europäischer Rettungsschirm) behauptet wurde, ist aus formalen Gründen unzulässig. Der Verfassungsgerichtshof hat ihn daher zurückgewiesen. Vereinfacht gesagt, gibt es für solche Individualanträge an den Verfassungsgerichtshof strenge Voraussetzungen. So muss der Antragsteller etwa unmittelbar in seinen Rechten verletzt werden; das Gesetz muss unmittelbar in die Rechtssphäre des Antragstellers eingreifen. Heinz-Christian Strache nimmt in seinem Antrag jedoch nicht auf seine eigene persönliche Rechtssphäre Bezug, sondern auf seine Stellung als Nationalratsabgeordneter. Die formalen Voraussetzungen für einen zulässigen Individualantrag lagen daher nicht vor. Das Verfahren zum ESM auf Antrag der Kärntner Landesregierung ist von dieser Entscheidung nicht berührt.
As provided for by law, individuals can only file petitions with the Constitutional Court under certain circumstances, i.e. if the individual rightly claims, inter alia, that his/her rights are directly violated on grounds of unconstitutionality. As a basic prerequisite for the petition to be admissible, the act in question must directly interfere with the legal sphere of the person concerned and violate his/her rights in the event of its unconstitutionality. So-called individual petitions are admissible only if these conditions are met. An admissible individual petition must first be filed, before the Constitutional Court can decide on the merits on the case.
Heinz-Christian Strache bases his arguments in support of the admissibility of the petition on his function as a Member of the National Council (Austrian Parliament) and his assertion that his "possibilities of participation" in federal legislation had been unduly restricted. However, the petitioner does not refer to his own legal sphere, but to his position as a member of the National Council. In terms of substance, the claim relates to a restriction of the powers of the National Council, but not to an interference with the legal sphere of the petitioner.
Thus, the petition is inadmissible for formal reasons and is therefore rejected. A decision on the merits of the case will not be taken.
The proceedings on the petition of the Government of the Province of Carinthia against the ESM Treaty are not affected by this decision.
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